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Pink postkasser: Blending Style with Functionality

Lavet i Kina - Global leveringsoplevelse

Pink postkasser, an emerging trend in the packaging industry, offer more than just a protective shell for shipping items. They combine functionality with aesthetics, making them an attractive choice for businesses looking to make a statement with their packaging.

The distinctive pink color not only adds a touch of vibrancy but also serves as a branding tool. It instantly captures attention and makes a memorable impression, contributing to brand recognition.

pink mailer boxes
Gratis design

Enkelt- og dobbeltsidet udskrivning, Varmt guld og sølv, lak eller mat, Prægning og prægning


Bestillinger starter kl 500 enheder for at hjælpe dig med at teste markedet med minimal risiko. Omfattende global mailing erfaring, Ingen problemer.

Brugerdefineret størrelse

Brugerdefinerede trykte postkasser af enhver størrelse for at imødekomme behovene i forskellige miljøer, Gratis testprøvesupport.

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Rød postkasse

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BæredygtighedsrammeKomposterbar & Genanvendelig
TypePink Mailer Box
StilPostkasse med støvklapper
MaterialePremium hvid – Brunt kraftpapir og sort kraftpapir
CertificeringFSC certificeret
OverfladeteknologiFoliestempling, Sølvstempling, UV, Prægning og prægning
FarveindstillingerCMYK Pantone farver
BlæktypeVandbaseret & Jeg er blæk
Print procesPlade offset tryk – ikke billigt digitaltryk
UdskriftsindstillingerKun inde, Kun udenfor, Inde & Uden for
Afsluthvid (Mat/Ucoated), Premium hvid (Blank/coated), Kraft (Ubelagt)

We can better Custom pink mailer boxes

Pink mailer boxes boast durability and protective features. Crafted from sturdy materials, they ensure items reach their destination intact, safeguarding against damage during transit.
3 1 - Custom magnet box and Mailer Boxes
Holdbarhed og beskyttelsesfunktioner
Pink mailer boxes provide ample space for branding elements. Logos, slogans, or unique designs can be prominently displayed, allowing businesses to create a cohesive brand identity.
1 1 - Custom magnet box and Mailer Boxes
Branding muligheder
From small to large sizes, these boxes cater to various product dimensions. They also come in different styles, such as self-locking, foldable, or with inserts, offering versatility in packaging options.
2 2 - Custom magnet box and Mailer Boxes
Different Sizes and Styles Available
Custom Mailer Boxes

Miljøvenlige genanvendelige papkasser

Vi har premium hvidt bølgepap, bølgepap premium Brun og sort
Alle er FSC- og ECO-certificerede og opfylder også genbrugsbetingelser.

Optimering af pladefremstillingsprocessen for at opnå lettere vægt for samme stivhed for at reducere internationale transportomkostninger

Højkvalitets trykte postkasser

Vi optimerer konstant blækvedhæftningen af ​​printlaget for at forbedre den ægte farvegengivelse af det trykte design.

Udvalgte råvarer kombineret med Heidelberg avanceret udskrivningsudstyr forbedrer farven og batchfarvestabiliteten yderligere
At lægge grundlaget for brandet til at skabe et samlet VI.

Finishes for Your Boxes
CMYK and CMYK Full Color Printing

Avanceret farvesporingssystem

Dear Box introducerede et omfattende farvesporings- og styringssystem ved starten for at sikre ensartethed og stabilitet af farve for samme batch og gentagende produktion.

8-farve Heidelberg flatbed offset trykpresse

Klasse 100,000 rene værelser, kvalitetsudskrivningsudstyr, og farvesporingssystemer er forudsætningen for perfekte print

Pink postkasser: Enhancing Your Packaging Style

Incorporating pink mailer boxes into your packaging strategy isn't just about shipping; it's about making a statement. Elevate your brand and captivate your audience with these vibrant, versatile packaging solutions.

E-commerce and Retail

In the world of e-commerce and retail, pink mailer boxes elevate the unboxing experience. They not only protect the contents but also enhance the overall presentation, influencing customer satisfaction positively.

Gift Packaging and Marketing

Beyond conventional use, these boxes find applications in gift packaging and marketing campaigns. The eye-catching color adds flair to gifts and promotional materials, making them stand out.

Unique Solutions

Pink mailer boxes represent a harmonious blend of style and functionality, offering businesses a unique and impactful packaging solution. Their visual appeal, coupled with durability, positions them as an asset in the competitive landscape of packaging.


Ja, customization is a key aspect of our manufacturing process. We offer the option to print logos, brand names, or any desired branding elements on Pink Mailer Boxes, enabling businesses to reinforce their brand identity effectively.

Indeed, their vibrant color makes them ideal for marketing campaigns and gift packaging.

Pink Mailer Boxes offer a blend of aesthetics and functionality, providing a visually appealing packaging solution while ensuring sturdy protection for the enclosed items.

Our customizable Pink Mailer Boxes serve as an excellent canvas for branding. They allow businesses to prominently display logos, slogans, or unique designs, effectively increasing brand visibility and recognition.

The vibrant color and professional presentation of our Pink Mailer Boxes add an element of excitement to the unboxing process. Customers appreciate the attention to detail and brand consistency reflected in the packaging.

Ja, as part of our commitment to sustainability, we offer eco-friendly Pink Mailer Boxes crafted from recyclable materials. This aligns with eco-conscious practices and meets the growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions.

Absolut, our Pink Mailer Boxes can be effectively utilized for promotional purposes. Their eye-catching color and customizable features make them an excellent tool for marketing campaigns, enhancing brand visibility.

As manufacturers of Pink Mailer Boxes, we take pride in delivering high-quality products. You can directly connect with us to discuss your specific packaging requirements and receive tailored solutions.

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